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De olho em novas parcerias, descobri esta loja de roupa mais casual, a Stylewe. Tem roupas giríssimas, para ocasiões especiais, desenhadas por diferentes artistas.
Escolhi estas 4 peças, preto e branco, são as minhas preferidas quando tenho de estar mais arranjada.
Visitem a loja e sigam-na no twitter, vale super a pena!
Back new partnerships, I found this more casual clothing store, Stylewe. It has beautiful clothes for special occasions, drawn by different artists.
I chose these 4 pieces, black and white are my favorite when I have to be more arranged.
Visit the store and follow in twitter, it super worth it!
Escolhi estas 4 peças, preto e branco, são as minhas preferidas quando tenho de estar mais arranjada.
Visitem a loja e sigam-na no twitter, vale super a pena!
Back new partnerships, I found this more casual clothing store, Stylewe. It has beautiful clothes for special occasions, drawn by different artists.
I chose these 4 pieces, black and white are my favorite when I have to be more arranged.
Visit the store and follow in twitter, it super worth it!
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